Syria Needs Your Humanity

Picture Credit: Flickr

The injustice in this land is great

The crimes committed are war crimes and even worse

The young, old, man and woman were killed in ridiculous manners

Due to love for power, the innocent and upright were killed

The people dies, the people cries yet the world is silent to it


This seems to be another Palestine

The story told is deadly, scary and alarming

Yet the response from the world seems to be intangible

Big Crimes are committed

And yet again, the world seems not to care


The humanity is dying

Monsters are increasing which cost the blood of the weak

Everyday is between life and death in SYRIA

Yet the world just seems to care less

A beautiful future has been distorted

But the humanity in humans can't perceive or interprete it well enough

Am appealing to the humanity in YOU to ;

Stand up against the enemy of humanity

Stand up against the threat to humanity.

Fight against injustice

Love for peace should be in YOU

Love for justice should be in YOU

Love for equality should be in YOU

Humanity should be in YOUR personality

Support the oppressed, Support humanity

Fight against injustice in SYRIA

Help restore peace and hope in SYRIA


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