Failure Can Just Be Your Bedrock To Passing. Read this to know how

Success is possible
What is failure?, What do you think about failing?, is it pleasing or not?, is it encouraging or discouraging?, is it telling you to keep pushing or to quit.
Answer these questions but note that whatever your answers to those questions are, they are yours only not anybody's else. Let me now inform you that your answer to those questions are answered through your own view of it, because we answer question questions based on who we are and what they really are.

For example:-
  1. If you are participating in a competition, your oponent answering a question correctly is a loss for you and a gain for them. So in this situation. Each side looks at the activity based on the team they are and not based on what the activity really is, nobody know what is really good for them [either winning or losing] but they want it based on what will make them victorious.
  2. Suppose am late for class today and my lecturer didn't allow me to go inside to attend the lecture, if I like I could see him as been cruel and blame him for not allowing me to attend the class, if I like a could also see him as a person trying to teach me to discipline my self and do the right things at the right time more efficiently and task myself to do more tomorrow.
So, we could all agree that this is certain and logical. It depends on us to decide how we are going to look at things that happens to us, and the best way to view the challenges that face us is to view it from the angle that pays us not one that could cause more damage.

Views Of Failure That Help
You might have tried hard or even harder but you still failed again and again, I know you might have struggled for this, fought for this but still it does not pay off. Passing just seems to be impossible. But no it's not, failure have just taught you what ways won't work. Just see failing as the following and it could be your fuel that will launch you to passing.

  • Teach You To Get Better
  • Temporary
  • Make A Great Story
1. Teach You To Get Better
Failure keeps telling you to "get better" than the other time you came. It is telling you to step up your effort, your knowledge and your sacrifice. It is telling you to get what the next level requires before you can get there. It teaches you more ways that won't work.
You should man up, stand up and move up your steps, your sacrifice and your learning. You should reorder your prioritise, you should give it all you've got to make sure you are better than before.

2. Temporary
Failure is not for life, it can't be permanent if you learn from it well, so why will you lose hope in yourself so soon. Why will you give up on what will pay you better.
Winner don't quit, you should be a winner. If you quit there is no hope of achieving it (passing) but if you keep pushing, you keep on trying hard then success in your field is possible. JUST BELIEVE.

3. Make A Great Story
Failure becomes a story after finally passing. It gives you pride to know that you keep pushing and never quit. It could give you the feeling of wanting to share your story and you could tell others that yeah, I once failed, I failed 1 time, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, I failed again and again. But those failures build me to what I am today, it strengthens me, it serves as my fuel to succeed, it propelled me to what I am to day. I made it because I didn't quit and if have I were to have quit I will never make it.

I hope by now you would have seen what failure means to those who really want to succeed. I will to end this post with a quote that say "Failure is not FALLING down but STAYONG down"-Unknown

Make sure you share with your friends and help them become an optimist, sharing this could help whom you never taught.

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