6 Ways To Get Yourself Disciplined (Must Read)

Been disciplined is very important to everyone that wants to succeed, to every one that is aspiring for a good goal.

You should get a good goal to discipline yourself towards.

Discipline enables you to find time to work towards your goal when it seems to others that there is no enough time to do what must be done.

Been discipline is synonymous to been focused.

Yeah, there are many ways to get yourself disciplined, first is that you could get your parents, elders or mentor to help you by forcing you to do what you should have done normally, but I am telling you that one of the best way to get disciplined is to get yourself disciplined by yourself, directly and willingly.

So how can you get yourself disciplined?

There could be many ways to this too, but in here am going to give you crucial and essential tips needed for you to attain the state of been discipline.

  • Determination
  • Sacrifice
  • Plan
  • Graduality
  • Consistency
  • Step Up

1. Determination:-

This is the next idea to look up to after identifying your goal, be it educational, economical or political goal.
But now the goal is to be disciplined.

You have to be determined to attain the state of been discipline, Inscribe it in your mind that been discipline is not an option but a necessity, Discipline should be a top priority in your heart as any other (good) goal would.

Your will-power to attain discipline should arouse within you, love discipline, want discipline, desire for discipline, and work for discipline.

Always remember that the factor of a man's ability to achieve and not to achieve his/her goal is determination, you must be determined to achieve discipline. If you are determined enough, then attaining discipline is possible.

2. Sacrifice:-

Sacrifice is a great ritual that most be taken by everyone hoping to achieve one thing or the other. We all sacrifice in one way or the other for things we want.
We do sacrifice consciously/unconsciously, willingly/unwillingly, some leave less important things for things that are more important. Likewise to attain the state of been disciplined, you need to sacrifice.

You need to sacrifice what you love doing for what is meant to be done.

Yeah sacrificing is not easy, it's difficult, but you just have to do it, you have to do it for that important, genuine, instrumental and in-negligible goal (discipline) that you are aiming to achieve.
Sacrificing is a must, it's a responsibility, you can't dodge it, you can't run away from it, you must stand and be ready for your responsibility because nobody can help you bear it.

3. Make A Plan:-

A plan is a guide, and every goal needs a guide to achieve it.

When you make plans on how you want to achieve your goal, your goal becomes feasible. It(plan) lights your way up to your goal.

Planning is one of the sincere steps to take when working to achieve your goal(discipline), you plan the first in-disciplined habit to leave, how and when you will start leaving it(that habit), all these will be included in your plan.

You should know that a plan does not only tell you what you want to do, but also tells you what you don't want to do. Planning what you want to do tomorrow is the same as planning what you don't want to do tomorrow.

Do not ignore planning, as an adage used to say "Whoever fails to plan, plans to fail"

(Be sincere with your plan, follow it to the core, thats where your test of discipline starts)

4. Graduality:-

What I meant by graduality here should have been self-explanatory, but I still think it needs some explanations.

This is supposed to be annexed with 'Making plan' but I decided to threat it separately.

Taking things from the grass root is very important, don't just think you could change yourself overnight, start bit by bit.
Start with the habit which you feel is easy for you to leave.

For example: I can't read at night without falling asleep and I can't also work without eating food, for me I could start with a plan on how I will work without eating food because thats the easiest for me to do now.

And also when you start winning cheap challenges, it will boost your morale to win big challenges, don't start with big challenges cause it could kill your morale if you lose.

5. Consistency:-

Linked to graduality, you should be consistent in the (good) ways you are taking to leave that first, easy-to-leave in-discipline habit.

6. Step Up:-

After winning small challenges, and you have been able to control (discipline) yourself on those habit. It's time to move to the higher ones.

Note: You should take it accordingly, according to how difficult the habits are.

Good luck..

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