How Teachers Can Increase Rapport With Students

There is an issue lingering around almost every school in the world. This issue specifically choose to stay in a learning environment, where someone is assigned the duty of teaching and the other is to be learning, and that issue is "cooperation" between the 'teacher' and the 'student'.

The cooperation between these two literally and technically different identities is fragile and important.

The success of a teacher lies in the level of cooperation he gains from the students (because the success of students in behaviour and academy is teacher's success).

A teacher is unlikely to succeed if his/her student(s) aren't cooperating.

But how can this issue be solved?, how can teachers increase rapport with students. In this article I have listed some points/ways in which teacher can apply in order to increase their rapport with students.

1. Knowing
One of the core and important attribute of a teacher is to have what he/she can give to his/her student(s) in term of the knowledge of the subject been taught. To promote the cooperation between him/her and the students, the students must have something that they gain from your brain.

2. Be The Reflection Of Your Order(s)
Teachers would instruct students to behave well, and they they should listen and obey them, but these teachers do not obey the higher officials (i.e V. Principal, Principal or H.O.D), how will the students be willing to cooperate with that kind of teacher. Another example is that of punctuality, teachers should try and be punctual to the school and classes and he/she would expect his/her students to do same. In short, every order a teacher would want the students to obey should first be practised by the teacher (if applied to them).

3. Friendly
A teacher should be a father/mother, brother/sister, mentor and counsellor a teacher should be able to know each student by who they are. Some student could be suffering from low self-esteem while others could just be proud and over confident, thats why teachers should chat with them to know how best to relate with each student.

4. Disciplined
You need to be disciplined also, you need to have principles, but note that your principle must be student-friendly, for example, you can gift a student that did well in class test or exams and also you can correct and encourage those student that performed poorly in class, test or exams.

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